Review Policy

1. I jump around genres but tend to stay away from short stories, self help, sci-fi, fantasy, paranormal, and horror.  It's not to say I wouldn't read one if I had the chance they just aren't my normal reads.

2. I read exclusively on Kindle so that is the format I prefer.

3. All of my reviews are on my own honest opinion and I will not write a 'nice' review just because I am asked to.

4. If I cannot finish the book, but I will not make this determination without reading at least 50% of  the book. Also, if I find it unreadable due to poor formatting or editing, I will contact you personally rather than destroying your reputation online.

5. If you would like me to review your work please email me at

1 comment:

  1. If you are interested in exploring a murder mystery/thriller set in a different cultural milieu, please check out my book sites:

    Book Sites
